Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today

"Celebrating Republic Day is like celebrating Brahma Gyaan (Highest Knowledge). Ask how? When were born out of our mother's womb, were we not made public? Till then we were private in the mother's womb. When we came out of there, we became public. But then after 3 years of age, we became private again, closed in our own selves. 'My, my, my. My mummy, my father, my brother etc. So then we became private. Then when you feel that there is nothing private, it is all public, everyone belongs to me, then we public again. So we become Republic (Re-public) again. This is knowledge, unification of what is inside and outside. We you are something inside, and something else outside, then you are not in Republic."

"You sing your own song, not someone else's.. Here every person is a song. Sing your own song not someone else's. So sit and think, there will be song that will come from within you automatically. Keep singing that song."

Ques: Why did Krishna have to kill Shishupal? Was there no other way?
‪#‎SriSri‬: Krishna did a lot of things, I don't know why he did those! You only take what you like about whatever any of the Avatars have done.. There is a story where Krishna says that if he had never lied then the river should stop flowing, and the river stopped. So Krishna's life is a wonder in itself. Why He killed Shishupal, I don't know, I'm not His lawyer! I am a lawyer only for myself. No explanation, no complaints. That is the sign of the Brahma Gyaan (Highest Knowledge). Krishna never gave an explanation for what He did or did not do.

Ques: Is courage and cowardice are a by-product of ego?
#SriSri: In egolessness also there can be courage, but not cowardice. So there is cowardice and sorrow in ego. In egolessness there is happiness and bravery. (Ques: Isn't bravery also a sign of ego?) No, bravery is evidence of your strength. If you have to call it ego, it is a Satvic ego, but not egotism. Anyway ego is always there. Existence means ego. "I am", that is ego. "I am Brahm" that is also ego. But that is Satvic ego and Satvic ego is what is egolessness.

Ques: When we are told to surrender, how do we know that it is not procrastination or escapism?
#SriSri: Who told you to surrender? Don't surrender. Don't listen to somebody and surrender. Why are you bothered about all that? Got it? Still confused? (Yes, very confused). Yes, that is my job, to confuse you! Forget about everybody, what is it that you want? (Ques: I want to have a solution to my problems) Look, in the past you had problems? Solutions came? It will come, you are in the right place doing the right thing. Leave your problems here and go free. When you have problems in life then knowledge does not sink in. The curtain over the mind is problems. That is when surrender is needed, the Guru is needed. Somebody is there with us, when there is a problem. If we have this faith, then the problem ceases to be a problem. You know there is someone at home, cooking you food. If you have this faith, then you don't even think about it and you sit at the dinner table to eat when it is time to eat. If you have to make your own food then you start thinking about what you will make, what you have to but, where you have to go. Twenty things come up in the mind.. Who is burdened with these thoughts? One who doesn't know that there is someone who is anyway cooking for you.

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