Saturday, August 8, 2020

words... sri sri

Words.. "Sometimes some words unwillingly come out of your mouth or sometimes others may say something though they may not mean it. No mother means it when she tells her child to get lost. But sometimes she says, ‘get lost! Don’t disturb me.’ Don’t hang on to the words of people. See beyond the words. I don’t care what people say or talk. This is all entertainment. So these things must be taken lightly. Time is so precious and life is so much more precious. So we should keep doing good work. Either you work or you meditate. You work and put your 100% and then sit and meditate. Don’t take anybody’s words so deep into your heart, except mine. Words of knowledge you should take deep in your heart but not the comments of other people." Keep smiling! Keep your heart clean. ~ Sri Sri Q:- Gurudev, during difficult times we feel why me? Where is Gurudev?Inspite of His presence in my life why is there so much suffering? Please explain? Sri Sri : Life is just like a ride, which has extreme ups and downs but always remember that there is some supreme power with you, which will not let you fall, hold you properly and will make you land safely. You are absolutely safe in His custody. He is carrying you along safely. He may make you feel that you will fall, but He will never ever let that happen. So breathe in and feel His presence. Breathe out and be grateful.

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