Saturday, January 3, 2015


Q: Signs show that the children under the age of 2 years or so have the innate quality of empathy and compassion. What do you think happens to the children that they lose 'compassion' and 'empathy'?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Many things contribute for their behavioural patterns that change over the time. But the knowledge of 'What one is', 'what the mind is', 'who we are'; like the memory, intellect, ego and the mind; this is missing. Nobody teaches us how to manage our emotions, how to manage our mind and this is where spiritual knowledge comes into play. Tells you how your body; breathe and mind they are all related and the different moods of mind can be changed. So your whole perception and observation and expression in life can be affected by your own will rather than being a victim of your own perception. We are able to have a say over how we see. We gain a multi-dimensional approach in looking, absorbing, judging and understanding anything around.

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