Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Q: Tomorrow a New Year commences. Please tell us something on New Year celebrations.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The time on this planet for us is a gift. When we consider time as a gift, our whole outlook towards life shifts. Like every year, this year also has offered you many gifts. With its thorns, it has made you strong; with its petals, it has given you joy. Any event has the good and not-so-good aspect. The not-so-good part has made you strong and helped you realize that you can handle it. The good part gives you peace and tranquillity. This last hour is good to reflect how you welcomed the year when it came and how it swept you and swirled you and passed you on to the New Year. Through all this time we learnt one lesson - we should never compromise on human values. Love, compassion, sense of gratefulness and a vision for everyone has to dawn in our life.
Let us celebrate with this one intention that let's bring home (Spiritual) Knowledge to everyone - that life, events are impermanent. What is permanent is our spirit, our consciousness. It has no birth and death. Life at a higher plane is eternal. So celebrate every moment knowing that every moment is a gift to us.
Get this. When celebration becomes service, there is no guilt. And when service becomes celebration, there is no pride. It is easy to get swept away in a negative mode. It takes courage to move out of it. I am sure all those who are here have this capacity. And all those who are reading this also have that capacity!

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